How to save money at gas and electricity bill

How to save money at gas and electricity bill
Each new year usually brings additional expenses and hence increases. You have consumed and reserves at year end. It's time to get on your feet without giving up too much. Here's how to save money at electricity bill and gas.

- Prepare dishes based on vegetables. It requires less time to prepare, so you consume less gas. Also let an amount that you get for 3-4 days. Try not to use and stove, and oven simultaneously. Just choose one of the options.

- If you had planned to do saving heat, do not use the stove on post heater. There is no charge and you'll sound much gas bill.

- Maybe you're tempted to use air conditioning to warm up. It is wrong! Electricity consumption will be high.

- Buy energy saving light bulbs. The best are the type LED. Even if you make a larger investment now while costs will decrease noticeably current. A LED bulb consumes two times less than one fluorescent and 10 times less than an incandescent.

- Choose bulbs power depending on light levels required. Do not use 100W bulbs in hallways, for example. You can use low power spots.

- Do not leave the lights on only as long as you are in the room. Otherwise electricity is consumed in vain. Seek as much natural light and close the curtains and blinds during the day.

- Avoid leaving appliances on standby. Removing them from the mains when not in use. Or better use extension cords or outlets with switch button.

- Invest in electricity generation apparatus A +++, which means consuming less power, even if you take out more money in your pocket. In time, you will make significant savings.

- Do not wash the car every day. Expects to collect more laundry. You save not only electricity, but also to detergent.

- Natural laundry dries on the balcony. If you put them in the house and you splitters, heat consumption will increase. Not to mention the ability to condense on the walls, that other money, another fun with painting the house!

- Although it is winter, if you keep long refrigerator door open, consumption will be higher. It is also good to defrost the refrigerator or freezer on time if you want to consume less power.

Consumption for appliances in stand-by

Here is how much energy annually rispieşte if you care appliances in stand-by. Stop feeding them when not in use

  •     Phone charger 7 kwh / year
  •     Coffee: 13 kwh / year
  •     Clock radio: 15 kwh / year
  •     Radio: 15 kwh / year
  •     Computer: 43 kwh / year
  •     TV: 48 kwh / year
  •     Printer: 15 kwh / year.